Admins can add tracking pixels from Vector, RB2B, and Warmly to live assets to track who is viewing them. You can also add HubSpot’s tracking code to track views in your HubSpot reports.
If you’re using a different tool to tracking visitors, reach out to us at [email protected] with the name of the tool you’re using and the tracking pixel and we’ll add it to our allowlist.
To add tracking pixels to your live assets, go to the Assets page and click Asset Settings.
Copy and paste the tracking pixel from Vector, RB2B, or Warmly in the Custom Code field and click Save Settings.
The tracking pixel has now been added to all of your live assets and you can track who is viewing your assets in the associated tool. Here’s an example from Vector.
You can also connect these tools to Slack to send real-time notifications of who is viewing your assets. Here’s another example from Vector.
Have any questions? Reach out via chat or email us at [email protected]. We’re here to help!